
I have never been in love
But I know one thing for sure
When it happens to me, it is going to ruin everything around me
It is going to come down like a wildfire raging through the forest and burn down everything in its path
It is going to come down like gushing water after a dam's surprise opening and washing away entire villages
It is going to destroy my family as I have known it
It is going to alter my life as I have perceived it
Thus giving plenty of grief to my near and dear
It is going to be a pandora's box
And most of all, it is going to destroy you and me together

I can't be the reason for that shattering
I would rather take the pain of the loss even before I found it
I have to be very cautious

Goodbye my lover even before I met you
Goodbye my midlife crisis
Good bye all my desires
Good bye all my longings and passions and feelings and rhythm of my heart!
I am strong and I can do it
I don't know any other way to live but this

But lastly, let me tell you this
I am indebted to you
For showing me that I have a passionate heart
That I haven't lost this feeling yet
That at the end we all are helpless human beings
That I still can be a red hot chili pepper inside even though I act like a plain vanilla outside :)
I'll never forget you until my last breath

Please take this as my goodbye to you and forgive me


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